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This Soon?

Wow. I can't say that I jumped on the Obama bandwagon that much earlier than most people. But I have been a die hard passenger ever since. Seeing him speak twice in person only further reinforced the trust I was giving him just based on television appearances.

Even during the bleakest of conversations about the current state of politics and our country, there has always been the fallback answer of "Well, one day Barack Obama will be president." However, it always seemed like that day was extremely far away. I always guessed 2012 he'd make a run if a Dem wasn't elected in 2008. Or worst case, he'd run in 2016.

Perhaps it is just the media grasping at straws, but it looks like Barack is contemplating running in 2008. It's not much to go on. But let's just say that there is a giant Mertz smile on my face today. And this is definitely something that would be a tangible reason to get back into politics and advocacy like the undergrad days seemed to be pointing me towards.

Seconds Please
I went to go see Broken Social Scene with a crew of friends in Indianapolis. Never have I seen a band so quickly succumb to being on drugs (and if anyone wants to disagree with that assertion, go for it in the comments cause I'd love to see a different explanation for all the lunacy that happened on stage that night). Thankfully, the second song they played was the song I wanted to hear and it was fantastic. Second song of their set, second song posted for this blog. Seemed to fit:

Broken Social Scene - 7/4 (Shoreline)


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