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Sure, we're a week away from what all polls are saying should be a good election day for a proud Democrat like me. But I can't rest lightly on polls. It's not that I think polls shouldn't be trusted. As a proud political science graduate, I believe quite strongly in the predictive power of polls. But ever since the Florida snafus, I don't believe in the ability for elections to be run fairly.

And even though we have morons like Dick Cheney running around saying (once again) that a vote for the Democrats is exactly what the terrorists want, there are still people in this country voting for Republicans. That is such a ridiculous, and unsupported assertion that it blows my mind that people still would consider that big a liar or that incompetent a thinker a suitable second in command for our nation.

Terrorist violence is probably due more to the fact that the terrorists are concerned about our perpetual occupation of their land or our support for an out of control military presence in the region. Terrorists are not using the internets and the Google to watch our every political move (and maybe even Georgie's ranch). They're too busy killing our troops in a country that barely has electricity.

I guess I write this not to change minds, but more as therapy for myself. I'm bracing for the disaster next Tuesday. The Democrats are already getting ahead of themselves thinking that they've won. I for one fear that if Karl Rove is not worried, it is all the more reason for supporters of fair and honest elections to be worried. I am going to try and get through Steal This Vote quickly this weekend just to build up a thicker skin for when Karl and the boys use their new toys to corrupt our election process.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.


Here's a little bit of fist pumping, rock out indie goodness to help relieve some of the stress that some of you might also be feeling.

The Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies)


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