Never Been So Happy To Be So Wrong

I can vividly remember going to bed on election night 2000. The thought in my head was, "At least I can go to bed knowing that Dubyah hasn't won." Little did I know how bad that situation would end up and how long that election would draw out.

In 2004, I went to bed furious. I couldn't believe that America actually re-elected the worst President in the history of the United States. I was unemployed and living with my parents at the time. I figured nothing could be worse. Although my dad did find a way to make things worse by waking me up in the middle of the afternoon by blaring Kerry's concession speech to wake me up.

So how do I feel today? Let's just say that last night was one of the best nights sleep I have had in six years. I woke up, blared some Daft Punk on my iPod, practically skipped to my car on a day that was 60 degrees and sunny.

I could post a ton of links to how the Dems gave Bush "a thumpin" (the President's words, not mine). I could try to say that somehow we defeated The Devil (Karl) and his puppet (Georgie). But I'll just let that picture up top say everything for me. And maybe add the following: Speaker Pelosi. A 27 seat majority in the House. Control of the Senate in our grasp. Truly lame duck Bush. Rumsfeld Brushed Aside. Conrad Burns' Secret Plan. Macaca.

A Surprise
Not even going to tell you what this is. Just download it. Loop it. Celebrate.

Totally Awesome


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