
I just finished watching a very cool Japanese movie called Onibaba. Made in 1964, it has a Kurosawa type feel, but I prefered the pace of Onibaba as compared to other Japanese films (including all of the Kurosawa films I've seen). What was most striking to me is how every major character in this film was absolutely repulsive in some way. That could be part of the reason why the ending was somewhat unsatisfying (or it could be how abruptly it ends). It doesn't matter much to me how any of the characters continue to live their lives, but their disgusting existence does make the film highly engrossing in a strange way. Anyhow, I definitely recommend checking out the film. It clocks in at only 103 minutes, so you can do it in under two hours.

I'm going to try and hammer out a few posts this week about the State of The Union, Obama (yes!!!!), DJ Drama (nooo!!!!) and a fortune cookie. That's all dependent on if I have time. I've got 4 gigs in 4 days starting Thursday, then one day off, then another gig, another day off, and another 2 gigs. Phew. If you can make it out on Friday, check out:

And also keep your eyes peeled for me posting up a new mix in the next few days. It's a good 'un.

Scrizzily Scruff

Bored at work, I cruised on over to Pandora and created a DJ Krush station. What it yielded was pretty insane. The music was an incredible blend of hip hop, downtempo, jazz and trip hop. A lot of it was from new artists, a lot of it was from artists I knew (but didn't neccesarily know the songs). It has me excited to play a downtempo set next Tuesday, and also has me excited enough to pursue a radio show on the local community radio station. More updates as that comes along. In the meantime, this is one of the absolute gems that Pandora yielded (and I somehow slept on):

Mr. Scruff - Jazz Potato


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